Man, it’s been a while since I posted here. As I sit here waiting for Game 3 of the World Series between the Red Sox and the Cardinals (it’s even surreal to type that), and the Red Sox Chickie is down nursing her ulcers, I figure I’d fill in a bit. Continue reading
Red Sox
I can’t begin to express how big a letdown last night was. I’m in such a funk right now, aided by a pretty bad sore throat and related symptoms. Could I feel much worse right now?
The main thing is – don’t blame the players. THEY got it done. Blame for this latest disappointment lies squarely on the shoulders of Grady Little, for letting Pedro come out in the eighth inning, and LEAVING him in when he came out to talk to him. Grady can add to his resume how he single-handedly destroyed Red Sox Nation when it had its greatest chance for success.
OK, now that the Cubs version of the Curse has kicked in, the Red Sox are now free to enter the World Series without fear of the universe ending. So, let me just announce to the world – “Let the beatings commence”… Continue reading
It’s been a while since I posted here, mostly due to time constraints and system issues (I spent a month chasing a non-existent cooling problem in my gaming PC – bad sensor on the motherboard it turns out). So, let me talk briefly about why the Universe may end thanks to baseball… Continue reading
So I figured what those new red Red Sox shirts are actually good for. I know the club figured they could boost revenue through shirt sales, but I wonder if they are getting a cut from TV sales. After all, the best thing those shirts do is show how bad the color bleed and chroma balance is on your old TV. My eyes hurt whenever I saw them, at least until they were in the shade. Maybe there should be a rule that they can only wear those on overcast days.